From 22 January 2025, we are making some changes to our Terms and Conditions. To review these changes, please click here.
We understand you want to protect your loved ones and the things you've worked so hard for.
With the range of options we can offer you through CGU Insurance, you can choose insurance to help suit your needs.
Contact our friendly insurance specialists by calling 13 77 28 between 8am–8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.
QPCU Limited trading as QBANK ABN 79 087 651 036, AFSL 241413 acts under its own AFSL and under an agreement with the issuer Insurance Australia Limited trading as CGU Insurance ABN 11 000 016 722, AFSL 227681. Any advice provided is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs (“your personal circumstances”). Before using this advice to decide whether to purchase a product, you should consider your personal circumstances and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations from
Target Market Determination is available here.